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Welcome to
Love Perspectives

A Different way of looking at life, love, & people around us!

     Throughout my life I've been interested in the emotional sides of life...things like...Sensuality, Affection, Love, and what makes people tick???

     These items, most people are too busy in their normal everyday life to think about. While growing up, dealing with my daily life, I took time to observe the behaviors and emotions of friends, family, anyone & everyone around me.

     I began to realize, as with snowflakes, people's "Perspectives" on life differ...yet with some common patterns.

     I've always looked at life from a different "Perspective" than most. Some years ago I had issues that forced me to take a good look at my life. Since then, I realized emotional happiness was the most important factor in my life. Most of all was the trait of "Sensuality."

     A good friend once asked me about this so I sat down and wrote about my "Perspectives" on that subject. It originally started as a two page paper and over the years kept growing. For some time, I've been asked to publish it online...so here it is.

     The main purpose of this site is to give you, my reader, a glimpse of life as seen through a different pair of eyes. It's not to browbeat anyone for their emotions, nor for any particular gender or persuasion. After viewing all the above topics, hopefully, you may leave with some new views on "Life" and "Perspectives."

     It will help to begin with the topic of "Sensuality" and read each chapter down to "The Bottom Line."

     If you'd like, you can, Click Here to view or download a complete (.pdf) printable copy.

     If you'd like to comment on it, please feel free to contact me. Just click above on my "Contact Me" Tab.

If you find this site helpful, please share it with your friends.

    Thank you for stopping by,
    Gene Sheiman

